Tim O’Brien
Damon Fielder
Bill Miller
Ronnie Bowman
Sarah Peasall
George Daeger
Dave Daeger
Natalie Aulvin,
Shane Ownby
Ashley Merrill
Tony Harrell
Ken Coomer
Mark Howard
Byron House
Matt Combs
Charlie Chadwick
…and John Carter Cash
Tim O’Brien
Damon Fielder
Bill Miller
Ronnie Bowman
Sarah Peasall
George Daeger
Dave Daeger
Natalie Aulvin,
Shane Ownby
Ashley Merrill
Tony Harrell
Ken Coomer
Mark Howard
Byron House
Matt Combs
Charlie Chadwick
…and John Carter Cash

Produced by John Carter Cash
Engineered and Mixed by Chuck Turner
Second Engineer, Trey Call
Mastered at Yes Master
Recorded and mixed at the Cash Cabin Studio, Hendersonville Tennessee.
Engineered and Mixed by Chuck Turner
Second Engineer, Trey Call
Mastered at Yes Master
Recorded and mixed at the Cash Cabin Studio, Hendersonville Tennessee.
The music inspired by Lupus Rex is meant to be a listening experience, front to back. And though individual song files may be purchased, I recommend it be listened to in its entirety for full enjoyment
Purchase the full project.
Purchase the vinyl record. (Coming Soon!)
Individual song download.
Purchase the full project.
Purchase the vinyl record. (Coming Soon!)
Individual song download.
The Album
The Quailsong
Featuring Tim O'BrienLyrics by John Carter Cash, Music by Tim O’Brien. (Auriga Ra Music, ASCAP; No Bad Ham Music, ASCAP, admin Blue Water Music). Mandolin, Bouzouki and Vocal: Tim O’Brien; Bass: Byron House; Fiddle: Matt Combs; Acoustic Guitar: Mark Howard.
When winter’s rain is hardened cold
By winds from north and high
We will not hunger days untold
Nor weep for opened sky
We’ll eat the finest golden grain
Among the sanctified
In that field beyond the darkened door
Of this life’s briefest light
Around our mother’s welc’ming nest
We’ll gather safe and warm
Beneath her gentle wings we’ll rest
Forever free from harm
In that field beyond the darkened door
With no future and no past
In that field beyond the darkened door
We’ll know the truth at last.
By winds from north and high
We will not hunger days untold
Nor weep for opened sky
We’ll eat the finest golden grain
Among the sanctified
In that field beyond the darkened door
Of this life’s briefest light
Around our mother’s welc’ming nest
We’ll gather safe and warm
Beneath her gentle wings we’ll rest
Forever free from harm
In that field beyond the darkened door
With no future and no past
In that field beyond the darkened door
We’ll know the truth at last.
The Journey To The River
Featuring Tony Harrell.Music by Tony Harrell (Tony Carlisle Music, ASCAP). Piano: Tony Harrell.
The Invocation of Cotur Ada Part 1
Featuring John Carter CashLyric and music by John Carter Cash (Auriga Ra Music, ASCAP). Acoustic Guitar, Dave Daeger, JCC.
Long sung since time has passed
This song of golden field,
And here I’ve spent my weary life
To pick through meager yield.
I am known as Cotur Ada,
The eldest of the quail,
Now lend your ear and hear my plea
And hearken to my tale.
Do you recall past hungry days?
The dreadful worried nights?
When fearful quail would rise up meek,
To seek come morning light?
Every rabbit nibbled cautious,
And badger horded food.
Though mole he worried not a lot
For sleeping buried brood.
And jay gave early warning quick
And he was fast on wing.
And golden finch kept to her nest
With warning sounding song.
But we were hardly sheltered safe
By hiding in the brush,
When out we sneaked come morning light
None would watch o’er us.
That pale winter she daily came
And with no protection.
Starvation pushed us from our nests;
She took her selection.
She fell upon our number’s kind
And on my loved ones dined,
The slower and the older ones,
The younger left behind.
But we were choiceless in those days,
For we must seek the grain,
Winter holds no greater bounty
Save what we store away.
She nested high up in the fir
And that year tended young;
We damned their cursed sharpened beaks,
With feasting bloody tongues.
High on his roost sat old King Crow
In council with the wind,
Sleepy and fat on robins’ eggs,
Stinking of shed snakeskin.
We gathered up all true and brave
And told the King our fear.
He frowned and preened his dirty wing,
His murder roosting near.
Incanta spoke not one lone word
But wept before his feet:
Her dear babe chick taken away
By hawk’s strong spiked beak.
A worn and angry old grey squirrel
Petitioned to the King:
“You’re wise and brave, Your Majesty,
Please make this hawk to leave!”
But old King Crow fell fast asleep
And did not hear our pleas,
And as we left the murder laughed,
Their cawing deafening.
This song of golden field,
And here I’ve spent my weary life
To pick through meager yield.
I am known as Cotur Ada,
The eldest of the quail,
Now lend your ear and hear my plea
And hearken to my tale.
Do you recall past hungry days?
The dreadful worried nights?
When fearful quail would rise up meek,
To seek come morning light?
Every rabbit nibbled cautious,
And badger horded food.
Though mole he worried not a lot
For sleeping buried brood.
And jay gave early warning quick
And he was fast on wing.
And golden finch kept to her nest
With warning sounding song.
But we were hardly sheltered safe
By hiding in the brush,
When out we sneaked come morning light
None would watch o’er us.
That pale winter she daily came
And with no protection.
Starvation pushed us from our nests;
She took her selection.
She fell upon our number’s kind
And on my loved ones dined,
The slower and the older ones,
The younger left behind.
But we were choiceless in those days,
For we must seek the grain,
Winter holds no greater bounty
Save what we store away.
She nested high up in the fir
And that year tended young;
We damned their cursed sharpened beaks,
With feasting bloody tongues.
High on his roost sat old King Crow
In council with the wind,
Sleepy and fat on robins’ eggs,
Stinking of shed snakeskin.
We gathered up all true and brave
And told the King our fear.
He frowned and preened his dirty wing,
His murder roosting near.
Incanta spoke not one lone word
But wept before his feet:
Her dear babe chick taken away
By hawk’s strong spiked beak.
A worn and angry old grey squirrel
Petitioned to the King:
“You’re wise and brave, Your Majesty,
Please make this hawk to leave!”
But old King Crow fell fast asleep
And did not hear our pleas,
And as we left the murder laughed,
Their cawing deafening.
The Racoon’s Song
Featuring Shane Ownby, Ashley Merrill, Sarah Peasall, Ronnie Bowman, and George Daeger.Lyric by John Carter Cash, Music by Shane Ownby and JCC (Auriga Ra Music, ASCAP). Bass: Byron House; Fiddle: Matt Combs; Acoustic Guitar, mandolin: Mark Howard; Acoustic guitar: JCC; Cello: Charlie Chadwick.
What say dance?
Shall we dance to the night?
Shall I chomp on your tail with teeth sharp and white?
What say laugh? Shall we laugh at the rain? Shall I bite on your ear while you yelp in pain?
What say jump! Shall we jump at the sun? Shall we gulp its fire up just for fun?
What say sleep? You are so far from home. Take a good rest while we munch up your bones!
While we munch up your bones! While we munch up your bones! While we munch up your bones! While we munch up . . .
What say laugh? Shall we laugh at the rain? Shall I bite on your ear while you yelp in pain?
What say jump! Shall we jump at the sun? Shall we gulp its fire up just for fun?
What say sleep? You are so far from home. Take a good rest while we munch up your bones!
While we munch up your bones! While we munch up your bones! While we munch up your bones! While we munch up . . .
The Forest Song
Featuring Bill MillerMuisc by Bill Miller (Big Yellow Horse Publishing BMI/Chocolate Soda Music BMI, Administered by Moon & Musky Music) Flute: Bill Miller
The Invocation of Cotur Ada Part 2
Featuring John Carter Cash.Lyric and music by John Carter Cash (Auriga Ra Music, ASCAP). Acoustic Guitar, Dave Daeger, JCC; Keyboards: Dave Daeger.
And eager Nijra went ahead
As younger quail will go,
And down upon him came the hawk,
Her talons clasping low.
She lifted him up to the sky
And brought him to her nest.
She fed her screeching babies’ mouths
Upon bird’s opened chest.
So back we trudged with heads hung low,
Our spirits sunk in hate,
For now our numbers were but few
(So many dead of late),
Back to our brambly hidden home,
Where sad all night we cried
And prayed that with the coming morn’
The hawk be satisfied.
And early I did rise to seek,
As seeking’s what we do,
The little grain and winter’s feed
To carry the day through.
With fearful heart I crept to field
’Neath hungered, desperate skies
And hoped to find a spot of green
And not death from on high.
And there beneath the sleepy sun
Just near a mouse’s lair
A feathered form fought to set free
Its wing from man’s sharp snare.
And in amazement I drew close
To see who was entwined.
In shock I found the murd’rous hawk
Entangled in the line.
I drew in close to see if she
Were too bound to break free.
She turned up quick with dying gasp
And set her eyes on me.
Red blood was flowing from her wing,
A gash deep in her side.
Her fury spent, she lay there, weak,
So bound up, neatly tied.
I looked to her and said, “Well now,
You’ve met untimely end.
Your bones we’ll scatter ’cross this field,
Your feathers to the wind.”
She stared at me and from her mouth
There came a saddened cry.
She said, “I ask you hearken to
My begging ’fore I die.
“I implore you heed my memory,
Barely out of my nest,
When quail in number were but few
With hawks’ and wolves’ contest.
“We had no food for weeks on end—
My brothers, sisters dead—
Wolves gorged fat on the dwindled quail
And ravaged rabbit’s bed.
“And when the squirrel and dove were gone
And on wild feeding stopped,
The wolves grew brave and preyed upon
The lazy pasture stock.
“And man was pricked by this offense
To find his cattle slain,
And shot and killed the wolves until
There was but one remained . . .
“A young gray wolf, so fast and proud,
Into the forest ran
And once again a prayerful calm
Settled on the land.
“These times I’d say none can recall,
’Cept turtle—mute and still—
When man our common enemy
Did all the strong wolves kill.
“And if you were to let me die
And rot into the ground
Who then would feed my babies’ mouths
With mother not around?
“But set aside my final beg,
And take great warning: Heed!
I only take so many now
Because I’ve mouths to feed . . .
“And beak and talon are but trite
When held to claw and teeth,
Should I pass on there may return
The wolf to gain this keep.
“Fly, I beg you, bless my babes
And feed their bellies good.
It won’t be long they’ll learn to fly
Their purpose understood.”
“And whom to them will we then feed?
Our young, our old, our weak?
Shall I tear my child’s precious flesh?
And push it to their beaks?”
Weak she gasped a slow reply:
“Feed worms or grubs or flies.
It won’t be long they’ll need your care,
Their nature realized.”
And as she talked all gathered round,
Our figures small and frail.
The dove, a badger, mole, and rat,
The rabbits, mice, and quail.
Still we watched in silence deep
As, witness to her weeping,
We viewed her tortured suffering,
’Til death did claim it’s keeping.
We left her there and went our way
And danced until the night
And through the dark, we shut our ears
To starving babies’ cries.
As younger quail will go,
And down upon him came the hawk,
Her talons clasping low.
She lifted him up to the sky
And brought him to her nest.
She fed her screeching babies’ mouths
Upon bird’s opened chest.
So back we trudged with heads hung low,
Our spirits sunk in hate,
For now our numbers were but few
(So many dead of late),
Back to our brambly hidden home,
Where sad all night we cried
And prayed that with the coming morn’
The hawk be satisfied.
And early I did rise to seek,
As seeking’s what we do,
The little grain and winter’s feed
To carry the day through.
With fearful heart I crept to field
’Neath hungered, desperate skies
And hoped to find a spot of green
And not death from on high.
And there beneath the sleepy sun
Just near a mouse’s lair
A feathered form fought to set free
Its wing from man’s sharp snare.
And in amazement I drew close
To see who was entwined.
In shock I found the murd’rous hawk
Entangled in the line.
I drew in close to see if she
Were too bound to break free.
She turned up quick with dying gasp
And set her eyes on me.
Red blood was flowing from her wing,
A gash deep in her side.
Her fury spent, she lay there, weak,
So bound up, neatly tied.
I looked to her and said, “Well now,
You’ve met untimely end.
Your bones we’ll scatter ’cross this field,
Your feathers to the wind.”
She stared at me and from her mouth
There came a saddened cry.
She said, “I ask you hearken to
My begging ’fore I die.
“I implore you heed my memory,
Barely out of my nest,
When quail in number were but few
With hawks’ and wolves’ contest.
“We had no food for weeks on end—
My brothers, sisters dead—
Wolves gorged fat on the dwindled quail
And ravaged rabbit’s bed.
“And when the squirrel and dove were gone
And on wild feeding stopped,
The wolves grew brave and preyed upon
The lazy pasture stock.
“And man was pricked by this offense
To find his cattle slain,
And shot and killed the wolves until
There was but one remained . . .
“A young gray wolf, so fast and proud,
Into the forest ran
And once again a prayerful calm
Settled on the land.
“These times I’d say none can recall,
’Cept turtle—mute and still—
When man our common enemy
Did all the strong wolves kill.
“And if you were to let me die
And rot into the ground
Who then would feed my babies’ mouths
With mother not around?
“But set aside my final beg,
And take great warning: Heed!
I only take so many now
Because I’ve mouths to feed . . .
“And beak and talon are but trite
When held to claw and teeth,
Should I pass on there may return
The wolf to gain this keep.
“Fly, I beg you, bless my babes
And feed their bellies good.
It won’t be long they’ll learn to fly
Their purpose understood.”
“And whom to them will we then feed?
Our young, our old, our weak?
Shall I tear my child’s precious flesh?
And push it to their beaks?”
Weak she gasped a slow reply:
“Feed worms or grubs or flies.
It won’t be long they’ll need your care,
Their nature realized.”
And as she talked all gathered round,
Our figures small and frail.
The dove, a badger, mole, and rat,
The rabbits, mice, and quail.
Still we watched in silence deep
As, witness to her weeping,
We viewed her tortured suffering,
’Til death did claim it’s keeping.
We left her there and went our way
And danced until the night
And through the dark, we shut our ears
To starving babies’ cries.
Harlequin's Song
Featuring Dave Daeger.Music by Dave Daeger (Daeger Music, BMI). Piano: Dave Daeger.
The Flight of the Hornets
Featuring Ken Coomer.Music by Ken Coomer (Five Hundred Foot Toe Music, Administered by Bug Music, ASCAP). Drums: Ken Coomer.
The Vulture’s Song
Featuring Damon Fielder, Natalie Aulvin, Sarah Peasall, Ronnie Bowman, and George Daeger.Lyric and Music by John Carter Cash (Auriga Ra Music, ASCAP). Guitars: JCC and Dave Daeger; Bowed Bass: Byron House; Mandolin: Mark Howard; Piano: Tony Harrell; Drums: Ken Coomer.
Come, furry and feathered Come, strong; and come, weak
Come; gather your forms Near our guarding beaks.
As you live we will keep you
Protect from on high
And grow you and feed you
’Til you happily die.
And then we will bear you
Up to the clouds
Tight in our bellies
Our bodies your shrouds.
And offer your spirit
To the Great Field
Just rest with us now
’Til to death you shall yield.
Come; gather your forms Near our guarding beaks.
As you live we will keep you
Protect from on high
And grow you and feed you
’Til you happily die.
And then we will bear you
Up to the clouds
Tight in our bellies
Our bodies your shrouds.
And offer your spirit
To the Great Field
Just rest with us now
’Til to death you shall yield.
The Deer Song
Featuring Sarah Peasall, Ronnie Bowman, George Daeger and John Carter Cash.Lyric by John Carter Cash, Music by Shane Ownby and JCC (Auriga Ra Music, ASCAP). Electric Bass: Byron House; Mandolin, Acoustic Guitars: Mark Howard; Electric and acoustic guitars: JCC; Piano: Tony Harrell; Drums: Ken Coomer.
Foolish, foolish young and bold!
Careless, prancing fools . . .
Careful, careful, when we’re old.
Now our numbers few!
Faster, faster, jump up quick!
Only feed at night.
Hope the boom of hunter’s stick,
You elude in flight.
Antlers branched like sycamore,
And lover doe gives favor.
Crash and wrestle—rivals war,
Her bounty for our labors.
And if we were to gain a boon,
With winter drawing near,
’Twould be to die a friend to moon,
For God will shed no tear.
Careless, prancing fools . . .
Careful, careful, when we’re old.
Now our numbers few!
Faster, faster, jump up quick!
Only feed at night.
Hope the boom of hunter’s stick,
You elude in flight.
Antlers branched like sycamore,
And lover doe gives favor.
Crash and wrestle—rivals war,
Her bounty for our labors.
And if we were to gain a boon,
With winter drawing near,
’Twould be to die a friend to moon,
For God will shed no tear.
The Invocation of Cotur Ada Part 3
Featuring John Carter Cash.Lyric and music by John Carter Cash (Auriga Ra Music, ASCAP). Acoustic Guitar, Dave Daeger, JCC; Keyboards: Dave Daeger.
The next night the cacophony
Of weeping was still there,
But not as loud, as surely some
Had died without her care.
The foll’wing day but one still wailed
From there within the nest
I pressed my wings tight to my ears,
Prayed, “Babe, give up contest!”
But then the next night still it cried
And I had made my will
To fly up there, and in the nest,
The screaming infant kill.
But when I looked upon its form
So frail and near-death weak,
I scraped the bark and found a grub
And pushed it to its beak.
The little bird snapped up the worm;
Hungrily gulped it down.
And once it ate, it closed its eyes
And sleeping made no sound.
But come the evening following,
The little one cried need.
As day set off in losing light,
The poor thing I did feed.
None knew that I fed him each night
And learned to love the thing
The hawk took me as father
My tending, pampering.
And large it grew and hungered more
And gained in needful size,
But though I brought it many bugs
Its need did not subside.
Then one cold morning, early still,
I heard the rustling brush,
And out I peeked with fear to find
Just what the trouble was.
And there, with rabbit’s dead form clutched
In talons sharp and strong,
My foster son stood all aglow,
As if he’d done no wrong.
With purpose filled he looked at me,
Said, “Father, now I see
I’m not meant to subsist on grubs,
’Tis fresh meat that I need!”
“No!” I screamed. “You murderer!
You fiend, you’ve killed my kind!”
There came a pained and bloody tear
Formed crimson in his eye.
I knew beyond a bitter doubt
What I had done for love
Was only for a greater sin
Than what good done thereof.
The old King Crow flew laz’ly down
And landed at my wing
His feathers worn and specked with white,
His grimace frightening.
He watched on, frowning thoughtfully
As I spoke to my son,
“You must go now! Never return.
Your time to leave has come!”
The hawk, he made the saddest sound
That I have ever heard.
The mournful wretch flew swift away,
The screeching, broken bird.
And as I watched, he disappeared
Into the morning sky,
And broken, whispered soft to him
A father’s sad good-bye.
King Crow he stepped then chuckled smart.
“Your child is grown, I see.
I am much vexed that he has gone.
His presence we did need.”
Then crow he flew up to his perch
And closed his eyes to sleep,
And I cried over rabbit’s form
For I had loved him deep.
And now we are so many here
And so few killed as prey,
We are fearless through the night,
And careless through the day.
But lately when the moon’s been full
I preen and do not sleep
And listen for the howling wolf
The hawk had promised me.
Of weeping was still there,
But not as loud, as surely some
Had died without her care.
The foll’wing day but one still wailed
From there within the nest
I pressed my wings tight to my ears,
Prayed, “Babe, give up contest!”
But then the next night still it cried
And I had made my will
To fly up there, and in the nest,
The screaming infant kill.
But when I looked upon its form
So frail and near-death weak,
I scraped the bark and found a grub
And pushed it to its beak.
The little bird snapped up the worm;
Hungrily gulped it down.
And once it ate, it closed its eyes
And sleeping made no sound.
But come the evening following,
The little one cried need.
As day set off in losing light,
The poor thing I did feed.
None knew that I fed him each night
And learned to love the thing
The hawk took me as father
My tending, pampering.
And large it grew and hungered more
And gained in needful size,
But though I brought it many bugs
Its need did not subside.
Then one cold morning, early still,
I heard the rustling brush,
And out I peeked with fear to find
Just what the trouble was.
And there, with rabbit’s dead form clutched
In talons sharp and strong,
My foster son stood all aglow,
As if he’d done no wrong.
With purpose filled he looked at me,
Said, “Father, now I see
I’m not meant to subsist on grubs,
’Tis fresh meat that I need!”
“No!” I screamed. “You murderer!
You fiend, you’ve killed my kind!”
There came a pained and bloody tear
Formed crimson in his eye.
I knew beyond a bitter doubt
What I had done for love
Was only for a greater sin
Than what good done thereof.
The old King Crow flew laz’ly down
And landed at my wing
His feathers worn and specked with white,
His grimace frightening.
He watched on, frowning thoughtfully
As I spoke to my son,
“You must go now! Never return.
Your time to leave has come!”
The hawk, he made the saddest sound
That I have ever heard.
The mournful wretch flew swift away,
The screeching, broken bird.
And as I watched, he disappeared
Into the morning sky,
And broken, whispered soft to him
A father’s sad good-bye.
King Crow he stepped then chuckled smart.
“Your child is grown, I see.
I am much vexed that he has gone.
His presence we did need.”
Then crow he flew up to his perch
And closed his eyes to sleep,
And I cried over rabbit’s form
For I had loved him deep.
And now we are so many here
And so few killed as prey,
We are fearless through the night,
And careless through the day.
But lately when the moon’s been full
I preen and do not sleep
And listen for the howling wolf
The hawk had promised me.
The Quailsong Slight Reprise
Featuring Tim O’Brien, The Cash Cabin Vocal Group.Lyric by John Carter Cash, Music by Tim O’Brien. (Auriga Ra Music, ASCAP; No Bad Ham Music, ASCAP, admin Blue Water Music). Mandolin, Bouzouki and Vocal: Tim O’Brien; Bass: Byron House; Fiddle: Matt Combs; Acoustic Guitar: Mark Howard.
In that field beyond the darkened door
We’ll know the truth at last.
We’ll know the truth at last.